Thursday, November 22, 2018

We're doing crafts dammit!

I just googled ideas for paper turkey crafts stuff... Since we're hosing Thanksgiving I'd like to decorate just a little, but since Thanksgiving is not a thing here (the pilgrims never went to Sweden) it's not like the kid who is officially old enough to bring home crappy crafts from preschool will contribute to this holiday.

So, we're on our own. After I pick her up from preschool in exactly 1,5 hours we are going to buy orange, brown and yellow paper, little eyes, a glue stick, and then it's on. I hope she'll be into it.

It's very obvious, and toddlers are like bloodhounds, when it comes to faking excitedness. Like if I tell her Hey! we're doing a fun project with thread and needles and yarn.... she's bored after two seconds, because I am. On the other hand she knows like five different yoga poses and can spontaneously drop down and do push-ups in the middle of dinner.

So crafts isn't exactly something we do regularly, kind of like eating fish.... I just tell myself she gets that taken care of at school. But today we're doing it, dammit! 

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