Thursday, November 2, 2017

trying to remember to have fun

As a kid I remember grownups complaining about snow. The shovelling of it, the driving in it, the wiping up puddles after we dragged it in and it melted on the floor… While us kids were stoked to play in it, ski on it, build things out of it, the grownups were always preoccupied with the impracticalities that came with snow.  And I remember thinking that no matter what, I would never ever be so boring and lifeless as an adult that I’d let small things like wiping pounds of snow off your car, dealing with winter tires, shovelling until your back breaks (little things like that) get in the way of my appreciation for snow, how fun and pretty it is.

Fast forward. I can’t say I’ve completely honored that promise to my younger self. But I do remember it, and make a point to remind myself of it, whenever I let the impracticalities of fun things overshadow the opportunities for a good time.

Like yesterday. At 4:30pm I’m getting ready to head home. A quick glance at Instagram while I wait for the computer to shut down tells me my husband and daughter have transformed our living room (so basically 70% of the apartment) to a fort, using all the sheets and blankets. Awesome. My first thought is shit. That’s going to take a long time to undo.

Then I forced myself to remember the snow. And I looked at the Instagram photos of how fun they had. And I was glad I had seen the pictures beforehand so I had time to make that mental adjustment. Impractical? Yes. But fun? Most definitely. So I got on my bike, went home, and crawled into the fort.

 It’s raining again today. And while I do appreciate the roads being clear of ice, I’m also hoping for snow soon. So we can have some fun.

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