This post might not make much sense, but
Michelle Obama is on TV.
I just love her.
About a month ago, March 8th. International Women's Day. A guy I hardly know, but Dylan's sort of friends with him, got into it with a girl I do know, about a post she shared on Facebook saying something along the lines of We're gonna run this shit.
We being women.
This shit being the world.
And he got all "if you're saying you're going to take over and "run this shit" how is that equality and why isn't there an International Men's Day (oh my god seriously, people who say that should get a hard punch to the testicles, cause they definitely have some)" and lots of other arguments, simultaneously showing off his large vocabulary and pettiness.
If you're a coach, or a parent, or a f-ing nice person, and you support somebody else to improve and grow and take a step forward, you grow too. You're not forced to take a step back.
When (white, straight) men are afraid of walking home alone late at night because a woman might jump them, or get creeped out when a woman sits too close to them on the subway, or feel a female co-worker is making more money only because she is female, then let's talk again. Then let's see if this We're gonna run this shit, went too far.
But until then, calm the f**k down.
Anyways, like I said, Michelle Obama is on TV and Lou is running around being 2 years old, which means adorable and super annoying at the same time, and I just want the world for her.... whatever she wants, if she wants to run it, I want her to be able to.