Saturday, April 14, 2018

I love my kid and all... but kids in general?!?

Although, maybe it's the parents? It's impossible not to make comparisons and it's not a competition, but just like life in general.... of course it is.
It's stressful.
Family close by is a blessing and a support and a huge help. It's also judgement and non-solicited advice.

Dylan is off on guy's weekend, which he totally deserves and it's also nice for me to (for once) be the one who stands on the inside, with the kiddo, as the door shuts behind the person leaving with all the guilt.
So Lou and I headed downtown and bought ice-cream and returned our library books and also spent some time in the library's children section, which is equipped with soft rugs, cozy furniture, reading nooks, toys and puzzles.
I ended up having to make good on my promise we were "leaving right this second if you don't pick up those books you threw across the room!"
And all the other kids were just super well behaved, and there was this couple there who had like a 5-month old and I kept wondering why the hell you bring a tiny baby to a library reading nook (no older siblings as far as I could tell) but I think they just did it to show off how perfect and loving and cuddly they were. Gross.
Lou also wiped a bogger on a book and I just ignored it.

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