Monday, September 25, 2017

Breakfast of champions

My weekend consisted of watching Shaun the Sheep and Daniel Tiger while trying to get a feverish and cranky child to drink juice and eat (at least) a few crackers.
So, here’s what’s more interesting: breakfast habits of people who ride the bus. One in particular. Are you ready? Here we go. 
The old (and by old I mean 30+, there are no truly old people riding the bus at 7am, why would they? I imagine they’re eating breakfast in bed laughing at the poor SOB’s running to the bus stop): No eating on the bus, except for the occasional protein bar or banana.

The young (and by young I mean 15+ there are no kids riding the bus in the early a.m. either, they’re either attending school locally or being driven to their fancy private schools by their fancy parents. I imagine, who knows?): toast, or limpmacka, clearly snatched on their way out the door. Usually consumed in three bites before they actually get on the bus. 
The exception: this guy who takes the same bus I do, almost every morning. If we’re not on the same bus it’s because I caught a later one. We usually get to the bus stop right around the same time, with approximately two minutes to spare, way before the toast-carrying kids come running. He totes his breakfast in a brown paper bag (not your regular “brown bag” though, it is bigger and has handles) and when he gets to the bus stop, he sits down on the tiny bench, puts the bag next to him, and meticulously unpacks the most important meal of the day. (If you’ve ever seen the bit Mr. Bean does with his lunch sandwich on a park bench…. read no further, it’s just like that) We’re talking orange juice, in a real glass with a rubber lid. Some form of yoghurt-like substance, in what looks like an eco-friendly, definitely reusable, container. Real spoon.  Belvita style whole-grain crackers. And some form of fruit.

How does he eat all this in two minutes? you ask. He doesn’t. He is usually just done unpacking and two bites into a cracker when the bus comes. Then he scrambles to re-pack and boards with the rest of us. While riding, he doesn’t touch the food.
I’ve witnessed this for several mornings now. And I’m just so intrigued.

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