Sunday, September 3, 2017

Mine, Mine, Mine, Mine

A facebook post describing a beatiful sunset (in words, no picure) along with what I interpret as slight disappointment over the lack of aw the recent eclipse managed to inspire, finally helped me nail down some of what I've been feeling about the eclipse.

A total solar eclipse is something that doesn't happen very often and if one happens to catch one, I'm sure it's a great experience. Magical, breathtaking, unlike anything else you've ever experiened, beyond words....blah, blah, etc. Great.

What bugs me, is watching people get into arguments over whether or not somebody's eclipse experience was truly as great as they think. Like, unless you were in the totality zone or whatever, don't bother posting shit on facebook. If you had stellar eclipse glasses and climbed a mountain for the occasion, somebody surely upped you by hanging upside down from the same mountain. Or a better mountan.

I saw a beautiful sunset last night, but a) sunsets occur quite frequently and b) I didn't even take a picture to capture it so .... so what?

Nature does magic all the time. If we catch it once or twice or everyday, if other people witness it too, why does it seem to take away from the experience?

You know the seagulls from Finding Nemo?
Whose eclipse is it anyway?

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