We finally made it down to Punta Arenas yesterday, this is pretty much as far south as you can go on this continent and you can tell by the wind. When we were in Santiago a lot of the people from this area complained that their noses and throats felt stuffed and that they missed the breeze. Here, you open your mouth to say something and almost choke on the wind. My eyes are running and I need to buy some warm shoes, pants and a hat.
But other than that, this place seems pretty cool so far and we are hoping we will find something to do here so we can stay a while. Right now we´re living in Jamie and Feliepe´s house since they are on their honeymoon. It´s right next to Randy and his parents so that´s nice. It feels amazing to unpack, do laundry, buy groceries and cook for yourself in a nice, normal kitchen. Not that it was too terrible to constantly be waited on in Limache, but still.
Monday night (when we were still staying with Randy´s friend Tommy) I got an impulse and decided I had to dye my hair. Most things I do with my hair, I unfortunatly do on impulse. My hair has gradually gotten worse and worse since we left Idaho. A lot of sun, crappy schampoo, no time or space for condtioner and then in Ecuador I treated myself to some form of volume perm that completely fried my hair. Terrible decision, terrible result.... it was cheap, though. In Lima, while Dylan was puking his guts out and I was bored, I got a haircut and was almost yelled at by the hairdresser for how bad my hair was, like I didn´t know. I told her to just trim it like half an inch or so and she took off one and a half, which I guess was a good thing. Didn´t look good, though.
And then, to top it off, I decided to go darker since the sun has bleeched my hair so much. I swear the box said "Chocolate" but this is black, very black. I feel like the next step would be to do a Brittney and shave it all off, but I´ll try not too.
Dylan is nice about it too, "hey, at least you can be something really scary for Halloween".
That I can.
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