One thing I forgot on the list; best invention - couch surfing. We saved a decent chunk of money doing it, met some great people and got to know places in ways we would not have otherwise. I hope we will be able to host people on our own couch one day, but if we live in Pocatello I have a feeling they won't be beating down the door...
Our last night in Buenos Aires ended up being more eventful than we expected, as Tom brought us along for dinner at his favourite Italian restaurant and then to a couch surfing get together in Palermo. It was really fun, almost made me wish we weren't leaving the next day. A really anoying guy from Israel who insisted we payed a twelvth of the total bill (even though all the others had eaten dinner there and we only ordered one drink) couldn't even ruin my night even though he was trying pretty hard at times. I talked to a Turkish guy who had studied in Luleå and spoke a really impressive Swedish. It was a good time, but we still left pretty early since we had a plane to catch the next morning.
Today (no wait, this is Thursday now..) yesterday when we woke up the rain was comming down hard over Buenos Aires. The flight to Madrid was one of the bumpiest I've been on, the "Fasten seat belt" sign was turned on almost the whole 12 hours. Dylan was seated next to a lady who kept talking about how afraid she was that her dog was getting cold, she had a little chihuahua somewhere on the plane, in Spanish. I hardly slept at all, I can't sleep sitting up. The flight to Stockholm was better since the plane was almost empty and we could stretch out over three seats each and sleep for a good 2 hours.
Now we're killing time in Stockholm, waiting for the last flight to Umeå. The snow is comming down hard and heavy so I really hope we won't be delayed. So close to home now, so close.
Välkomna hem!
ReplyDeleteHoppas ni känner er sådär lagom nerkylda där uppe i norrland. Vi får höras snart. Kram Kram
Välkommen hem! Hur har det gått med green card:et, vet du hur länge du blir hemma nu? Hör gärna av dig om ni har vägarna förbi Sthlm nåt. Kram