Tuesday, January 12, 2010

leaving, right on time

If yesterday was all about flip flops and tank tops, today is about blisters and burning red shoulders. Tomorrow will be spent on a bus to Mendoza though, so there will be no walking or being in the sun.

When we bought the tickets today, the buss station man looked real hard at our passports and then whipped out a calender and started counting the days we have been in Chile. We have just figured that since we entered October 16th we had to be out by January 16th... but no, it's 90 days, give or take nothing. So he counted and turns out, tomorrow is 90 days on the day, phew. I don't know what happens if you overstay, but I don't think I really care to find out either. What's wierd is that the guy selling tickets cared so much, normally it's at the border they start looking into that stuff....

Poncho, the owner of this home stay/hostel we're staying at is certainly a character. He speaks only enough English to make himself half way understood and alwats talks at a million miles an hour. But he is extremly helpful, let us borrow a cell phone for free today, makes us breakfast whenever we get up and I would definitly recommend anyone staying there.


  1. Shit, vilken tur ni hade :)

    Jag kan inte tänka mig att man blir annat än bannad från att komma in i landet, inte så stor förlust när det gäller chile antar jag... fast vem vet.

    Här är det kallt och massa snö, skulle kunna byta med solbrända axlar, även om de är röda!

    Må gott, snart ses vi!

  2. Jag kan bara hålla med Karin, det där med solbrända axlar låter som en dröm i mina öron. Själv så fjällar jag som en liten fisk efter min jul semester. Kram kram så länge
