Here's an interesting piece of information I was unaware of untill I went to the bathroom this morning; small cockroaches eat the big ones when they are dead, or when they're playing dead since I strongly belive cockroaches are impossible to kill. Even with their guts squirted out on the floor and their head flushed down the toiletts, those f**ers always seem to get back on their nasty little feet and walk away.
Yeah, the place we're staying at, Patricia our couchsurfing host's house, has cockroaches. Lots of them. And the house is hotter than a pizza oven, I swear if I had covered myself in cheese before going to bed last night I would have woken up au gratìn.
But she's nice, it's free and cockroaches don't kill you. She has Swedish heritage on both her mother and father's side, but doesn't speak much more Swedish than "god natt" and "hejsan." But her English is good, so it doesn't matter.
She has had a lot of people couchsurf her place and tonight two girls from Brazil are supposed to stay there aswell. Me and Dylan are cooking dinner, that's her rule, that on the last night you stay at her house you have to cook, which is fair. She wants us to cook something native.... but I don't think that's going to happen. There is little raindeer in the stores here, I don't think palt or kroppkakor would fly and like Dylan said "American cousine is just whatever food you can think of made fattier and shittier" so I think we're going with a Greek potatoe sallad.
Today we went to a public swimming pool since Córdoba is still sweltering hot. Before entering we were checked for athlete's foot and head lice by a man with plastic gloves. He then stamped our tickets and said we would be considered clean for 15 days. Interesting.
Intressant att ni blev stämplade som rena i 15 dar...det tar väl inte så många sekunder att skaffa löss ;)
ReplyDeleteNi får laga köttbullar som svensk mat nästa gång, tack vare IKEA så känner ju de flesta till swedish meatballs!
jo, jag tankte pa i 40 gradig varme ar det inte sa lockande att sta och steka kottbullar nar man inte ater dom sjalv =)
ReplyDeleteDet var precis sa jag ocksa tankte "ar inkubationstiden for loss 15 dagar? knappast..."