Thursday, January 21, 2010

sun burns and a dusty puppy

We had two really sunny days here in Carlos Paz. Tuesday we went out to the river again, but to a less crowded and more family friendly beach. We didn't stay out that long, I didn't think... but we both got really sun burned. So yesterday Dylan just stayed in the whole day while I went out there again and just layed in the shade in between cooling off in the water.

Now we're heading back to Còrdoba because we got couchsurfing lined up there for two days. It's with a lady called Patricia Andersson. She's only been writing to us in Spanish so far, but had Swedish listed as a language she's fluent in on her profile we'll see how communcation will go. Either way I'm glad this couchsurfing thing has actually kicked off. Saturday and for two or three nights on we're staying with a guy in Rosario.

Yesterday when I was walking back to our hotel I saw the dirtiest and cutest little street dog-puppy. He was supposed to be white, you could tell, but he was all dusty and gray and standing outside a closed store, just yelping. I just paused to look at him for a seccond, thinking he'd probably get run over before too long.... Then I walked the four blocks back and entered our hotel through the back door in the garden. I was just going to tell Dylan about the puppy when we heard this shrieking sound outside the door. He had followed me home! And then we tried to get rid of him but he kept comming back, and the hotel manager came and tried to get rid of him....and had to try for a long time. I so wanted to adopt that little guy, or at least take him to a shelter or something, but it doesn't work like that here.....

We're still enjoying Argentina and would definitly like to come back here with more money. It's cheap, but not Asia cheap. And since I lost my card, we're on a pretty strict budget. (We both agreed Aloe Vera was necessary though and splurged on that the other day)
Couchsurfing will help with the fundings of course, but more than that I think it will be really fun and a good way to meet locals. Locals who may speak Swedish.

We got some news from immigration too, or the state department, since that's who we're dealing with now. I still don't know exactly what they mean though, or what will happen now....but when I do, I'll let you know.


  1. Ah, lilla valpen! Förstår att det måste varit hjärtskärande, men vad ska man göra? Semestern låter härlig, om än med lite "incidenter".. Men det är väl det som gör det spännande också kan jag tro? Förresten, när kommer du till sthlm i februari? Kommer att åka till London runt den 8:e iaf, sen vet jag inte.. Hoppas vi kan ses! Kramar!

  2. vi landar i sthlm den 4:e feb men nu lutar det at att vi far direkt upp till umea eftersom jag inte kan fa en tid pa ambassaden da utan maste aka ner senare anda.... men jag hor av mig sa fort jag vet, det vore verkligen kul att hinna ses! kram
