Monday, January 18, 2010

Rainy day

Serves me right, complain about the heat and the sun enough...and you'll get rain. It's comming down hard today so we're still huddling inside the hostel, hoping it will stop soon so we can go out and explore the city. Yesterday we went to the beach, or what they call a beach. I'd call it a small stream with lots of people (and very little swim wear) in it. It was like MTV spring break, what you see on TV with people in itsy bitsy thong bikinis, drinking drinks out of melons and pineaples, singing, dancing and shaking their stuff. We felt slightly out of place...our butt cheaks all hidden, but the water did cool us off, which was the most important thing, I guess.

Going out there though, we passed a much smaller town, Carlos Paz. It's close to the water, has tons of restaurants and hotels and is just a cute little beach town, so we booked a hotel out there for two nights starting tomorrow. We had already payed for two nights here in Còrdoba, otherwise we would have left already. This hostel is allright, but the whole hostel thing is out of control in South America. Everywhere we go, the hostels are more expensive than the small, local hotels which are not in the guidebook or online. So from now on, we're going with the small hotels. That or couch surfing, which hasn't happened yet, but we may have a lead now.


  1. Jag berättade för mina klasskompisar om din och dylans situation. De kom på massa smarta idéer till hur ni skulle lösa det.

    Du kan tex begå ett brott, så får du aldrig lämna landet. Jag tyckte att det var ju dumt eftersom ni inte skulle få vara med varandra, men de tyckte att ni kunde ha telefonsex med armerat glas emellan. Nästan som skype fast man kan se andedräkten mot rutan.

    Jennie tyckte att ni skulle köpa en båt och bo på internationellt vatten och ta båten in till land varje dag. Alternativt köpa en svävare som kan gå på både vatten och land.

    Det finns många möjligheter.... vilken dag kommer ni till Sverige egentligen??

  2. hihi, ja det dar med internationellt vatten var ju ruskigt nara att handa innan vi bestamde oss for att hoppa av Projekt Nya Zealand i trasig bat.
    Vi kommer till Sverige 4:e feb, annu osakert om vi kommer direkt till Umea eller stannar i Sthlm....
    Har du sett en dokumentar om Amerikanska fangelser... nej tack sager jag bara, da skulle jag hellre tatuera mig sjalv med en hajtand fran en levande haj.
    Synes snart =)
