Thursday, August 20, 2009

life in Colonial beach

I like driving Gary's van. It's big and rattles and has practically no vision to the sides and the seat doesn't move so I have to sit stuff pillows behind my back to reach the pedals and the stearing wheel is huge and kind of moves on its own. It's just like being five again, riding the bumper cars. I'm normally a very nervous driver so when Gary this morning (or more like afternoon since it was 10 and we got up at 6) asked me to drive to his friends house to pick up some varnish.... I did not want to.
But then he drew me the worst map ever and I didn't want to be a sissy so I took off and made about a million wrong turns untill I finally made it to his friends house where I legally broke into a garage that has a huge cat living in it. And I got the varnish. And I varnished, boy did I varnish today. Dylan buildt a frige and almost a freezer too.
Now it's almost 9pm and we were supposed to go to bed but something is leaking so Gary is out in his shorts trying to fix it. Pretty much nothing works. September 1st we're taking off.... so, yeah.

1 comment:

  1. hehe, nä jag bor inte i holmsund, jag är bara på besök i några dagar för att komma bort och för att freeloada lite grann. jag åker nog tillbaka till stan snart men imorgon ska jag plocka hallon för jag såg så många idag. Men jag trivs med min nya tandläkare, han är också billig för han har studentrabatt och är snäll och rakt på sak. Hoppas ni har det bra och att G inte är helt Gääääälen!
