Sunday, September 20, 2009

Not always honey under the moon

Yesterday was another long day on the bus to get from Baños to Cuenca where we are now. It sucked too because we thought it would only be 4 hours but ended up being 8. It was also the most expensive ticket we have had to buy yet on this trip.
Also, I don´t know what Dylan did to piss Montesuma off, but the God of digestion is not happy with my dear husband so he has to pay a lot of long, frequent visits to the bathroom to pay for his sins. Because of that and the fact that it´s Sunday so Cuenca is pretty much all closed today, we haven´t decided yet if we are going to head out of here tomorrow and go to Peru or stay one more day.
I´m not a fan of the hotel we are staying at here either, it´s the cheapest yet.... but I much prefer sleeping in a clean dorm at a hostel with English speaking staff, a tv-room, a bathroom with toilet paper and towels than getting a private room with none of the above. I was in a really crappy mood this morning and was almost ready to just book a ticket home, but live music for breakfast (and the fact that I don´t even know where I would go) helped.

But yeah, this is no honey moon that´s for sure. In Baños we had a night that was almost a romantic dinner date. We went out to eat and since there was nobody else in the restaurant and we ended up ordering dessert and spending more than we planned on, when we left, we agreed to count it as a romatic dinner for two and eat only street food and crackers the next day.
We get to see and experience a lot of cool stuff and I know I´ll look back at this and be greatful we did it, but some days I really can´t wait to get to Chile and unpack our bags.

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