Tuesday, September 22, 2009

spf 45

We finally made it to Peru after a border crossing I will definitly call the worst one yet. It was just set up to rip tourists off it seemed like. You get to Peru, oh but this is not where imigration is, you have to go get your passport stamped, no busses go there.....here, get in my taxi... and the most frustrating part was that everyone seemed to be in on it. From the cab driver to the money exchange-guy to the border officers.... no busses, no banks, no other option then going with just your services...? Yeah, right. But what is a gringo to do? We did the walk away a couple of times and managed to get the original price down to about a third of what they first wanted, but I still feel like we were ripped off pretty good.

Now we´re in Mancora, nothern Peru, right on the beach. It´s really nice here, very much surf capital of Peru and very touristy. This also means it´s kind of pricy. A million restaurants but no grocery stores or cheap street food. But it´s the off season and not too busy and it´s good to finally be at sea level and in the sun. The people at the hostel are also really cool, a girl from Norway, some Dutch people and some nice (but somewhat questionable) Estonians mixed with the usual Germans, Americans and Aussies. No Swedes yet, though.

Dylan wants to give surfing another shot, I guess enough time has passed since his last attempt in the Philippines, for him to forget how sore he was the next day and how hard it was. I, on the other hand, may be too much of a wuss to even try it, we´ll see. Either way, that will be a project for tomorrow, today´s agenda is full of getting back to the hostel, jumping on the trampoline in the pool and playing beach volley ball. Oh, and trying to catch the sunset, as I missed it yesterday. It´s a tough life.

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