Saturday, December 12, 2009

a slow summer saturday

Dylan is still sleeping and I just watered the lawn. It's getting more and like summer every day and I can't really say that I like just feels wrong when you're trying to get in the christmas spirit. My brother called and got me out of bed this morning. I haven't heard from him in a long time, so that was the perfect start of the day. The rest of the day will be slow though, I have a feeling. We went out with Adrien from the office last night and I went home at 3 or so, but Dylan stayed out later. Not sure when he came back. They were having a long and serious discussion about soccer and FIFA when I left, which is also why I left.

But when/if he actually gets out of bed I'm going to try and listen to some of the Spanish DVDs his parents sent us. Their care package arrived yesterday, muchos gracias.

My work day at Ilaia, the Yoga Hotel, yesterday was something else. Basically I have gone from paying for Spanish classes (the two classes I took in Peru) to getting them for free at the coffee shop to actually get paid to learn. Because that's kind of what this job is. Officially I work at the front desk, but since my Spanish is not good enough to be there by myself there is always someone else there too. What they want from me is basically English, nobody there speaks it very well so I have to do some translating, write e-mails, confirm with foreign guests... all the while being served organic tea, home made scones and marmelade. And I'm forced to use my Spanish, however bad it is, so it's good for my learning.

But this place,'s really out there, spiritually speaking. In a nice and not at all freaky way, but still, very out there. The lady I worked with yesterday said she could tell from my aura that I was a vegetarian because people who consume animals have a more aggressive energy. She also lays a hand on whoever she is speaking to, in order to conect through more than words. When my shift was over she said that my spirit was welcome in the Ilaia family and that my energy would be with them even after I left... maybe that's why I'm tired today, because my energy is left at the hotel?


  1. Skrattyoga finns här i sverige åxå (fast det kanske du visste)...har faktiskt provat, men det var inte riktigt min grej, känndes lite för flummigt att skratta på beställning! Då var poledancing mycket roligare, appropå att testa udda aktiviteter. Det får du se till att testa nån gång (men var beredd på blåmärken!;)

  2. jag har inte provat skrattyogan annu och vet inte om jag kommer gora det heller...visst kanner man ju att magen jobbar nar man skrattar, men som du bestallning kanns lite val flummo. Jag har faktiskt varit sugen pa att testa poledancing lange, men inte hittat nat stalle att gora det pa...sthlm?
