Friday, November 20, 2009

Music and Memories

Earlier this afternoon as I was sitting in the coffee shop, studying my Spanish and drinking the cheapest coffee on the menu (instant, no sugar but you do get a tiny cookie) they were playing Cat Stevens and Oasis on the stereo. It´s not like this is the first time music has ever reminded me of times passed, but this was just song after song, and it made it really hard to focus on the vocab I intended to memorize. So finally I gave up and instead started making a little list of songs and music related to certain parts of my life.

Oasis - most all of their songs are simply the soundtrack of (hjalp mig har, Steken, Berta...?) 9th grade I think it was. Akward teenage years, writing on Wonder Walls, gossip in locker rooms, gossip everywhere, make up, push up. I was never really into Oasis (or Blur, Suade, Pulp or whatever they played on Alternative Nation, which I never watched) but my friends were.

U2-staring at the sun. Even though I wasn´t into music I did buy a few CD´s and singles. This one was the summer after 8th grade. Miserable. Still can´t stand this song.

Loop troop, A camp, the Cardigans - my first years of college. Good times.

Cat Stevens, Bob Dylan (and many others) - Dylan introduced me to this kind of music, old folksy stuff, as he introduced himself to my life. Moscow. Probably the best year of my life.

Whitney Huston & Mariah Carey (when you believe?) This song was played every single day at lunch time in Yantian Foreign Language School. If I heard it now I could probably taste the rice and string beans.

Cajsa-Stina Akerstrom (Av langtan till dig) -I don´t know any song with more beautiful lyrics than this one. It was playing in the cab when I was driven out to the airport, leaving for Idaho the first time. I was holding back tears since I didn`t want to cry in front of the cab driver but for various reasons I thought I was making a terrible mistake leaving and looking back I could not have been more wrong. This is also the song me and Dylan walked into at our wedding. I didn´t care that much about any other details about the wedding, but I knew this had to be the song.

Oh, the list could go on and on. But I have to go to the store now and then back to the house and pack my bag. We are going camping in Tierra del Fuego this weekend. Should be fun, and hopefully not too cold since we don´t have sleeping pads.

Anyways, I´m not smart enough to figure out how to check how many people actually read this. I know it´s not many, but I also know that a handful actually do.... sometimes.
So if you would, do leave a comment and let me know what some of your special songs are. It´d be fun to see. Thanks.


  1. Hej hej!

    Staring at the sun påminner mig också om sommaren mellan 8:an och 9:an, det är en av få låtar som verkligen tar mig tillbaka till ett par månader av mitt liv :)

    Sen är det blankt eftersom jag lyssnat sönder massa skivor och inte har något tidsepok kopplad till dem. Förutom 04 förstås, det var ett riktigt bra musikår och alla hits från det året (scissor sisters-take your mama och outkasts Hey ya bland annat... ja jag vet att den kom tidigare men jag förknippar den med 04) tar mig direkt tillbaka till oxford våren 04, kanske den bästa tiden i mitt liv :) Iallafall den tid jag spenderat på flest dansgolv!

    Nu är Darin på tapeten här hemma igen... han har gjort en cover på Colplays Viva la vida. Känns ju lite märkligt att han gjort en cover på en låt som var populär typ förra året, och dessutom mycket sämre! Och så får han så mycket radiotid att man blir knäpp!

    jaja. Hoppas ingen misstycker att detta var på svenska, jag pratar svenska med min ooost! Så kommer det förbli, hur mycket espanjol du än lär dig :)

    Må gott!

  2. Jag läser såklart. Kollar varje dag!


  3. Varje gång jag hör No Doubt tänker jag på kexchoklad toppar :)


  4. haha, tack alla tre! det ar sa roligt med kommentarer, aven om de ar korta sa kanns det lite mindre som att jag pratar i en tom telefonlur da, eller skickar brev till tomten... =)

  5. Jag kollar nästan varje dag! Är så roligt att läsa om alla era äventyr! =) Ska skicka en inbjudan till min blogg som jag fixat nu under hösten, så får du lite läsning åxå.

    P.S Ang, tomten så läggen den amerikaska staten ner hans postkontor i North Pole, Alaska...trist för alla barn =(
