The guy who sounded so promising about getting me a job and Spanish classes has not e-mailed me back. That was monday, this is wednesday and I have little patience. So now the question is, do I just go back to the office like I figured he accidently gave me the wrong e-mail address or has been really busy or whatever, or do I just wait and hope he eventually gets back to me??
Feliepe and Jamie (the couple we are staying with) came back from their honey moon monday night and unpacked their wedding gifts. They got, not only one, but two flat screen TV:s. This is very good since it means me and Dylan can keep their "old" TV in our room.
Feliepe left this morning to go back to Tierra del Fuego, where he works. He took Lech, his dog, with him, as usual. But since Lubob (the puppy) has gotten so used to always having Lech around, since they´ve been together since before the wedding, she is now grieving the loss of her friend. She started at 6 am, when they took off, sitting right outside our window, crying her heart out. I felt really bad for her, then a little for myself for not getting any sleep. But it´s heartbreaking to see her, she used to always jump around and be the biggest pill ever and now she´s just laying around, sobbing. We´ll have to pamper her with lots of walks and attention these next couple of days. I´ll have to buy new dog treats too. I bought some last week that appearently are not that yummy....they won´t eat them but hide them in the yard.
Now the rain is pouring down, so I´ll linger at the internet café a little longer. I don´t understand why they even have weather forecasts here. Since we got here every day has been the same, some sun, some rain, maybe some hail, maybe some snow...and constant wind. Don´t leve the house without a rain jacket and don´t plan a picknick unless you have a plane ticket to put in the basket. Maybe I should just be the weather girl...?
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