Monday, November 9, 2009

No case of the mondays

The package my mom sent from Sweden with Jamie and Feliepe´s wedding gift arrieved today, about 3 weeks after she sent it. Perfect timing though, since the newlyweds are due back to Punta Arenas tonight. And I´m glad it did arrive at all, nobody had told us that the regular mail is not to be trusted here ("How did you send it?" "In the mail.." "the regular mail??" "yeah..." "oh, not good, nobody uses the regular mail here") so we were affraid it had gotten stolen along the way. Now I just hope they´ll let my christmas package through too, but I told my parents not to put anything expensive in there, just in case.

Today I found a lead to what might be the answer to my being bored out of my mind and restless like a hamster without a wheel. I probably shouldn´t get my hopes up before it´s all worked out, but it´s way to late for that. Anyways, today has been a good day so far.

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